Climate change is a controversial topic I have taken a keen interest in for a couple of years, although many people find it hard to believe or understand it. Climate change remains one of the world's most pressing challenges.

I would not think of any problem now that is not a sequelae or in simple terms a ripple effect to this great enemy of our time. Talk of the COVID-19, economic challenges, the famine and the drought experienced in Sub-Saharan Africa. All of them have one foundation; Global warming.

It is a common tragedy across generations. Because in a narrow, rational sense each generation can act in its interest, while putting the cost of dealing with the consequences of what it's done on those who come after.

"We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last generation that can do something about it" - President Barack Obama

Thus a fight against Global warming is a fight worthy of double honor, one that every well-meaning inhabitant of this big blue should be part of. Therefore, a need to raise awareness, to develop and implement mitigation and adaptation measures now more than ever. These might be counterproductive solutions to the other problems the developing world is facing.

Looking at this, I have chosen to take charge of the future by blogging. Blogging to champion this cause and fight against humanity's nemesis. This blog will focus on issues pertaining to climate change.

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

Climate change is hitting the developing world the hardest, thus being the stem of my experience. It has led to a shift in weather patterns, thereby causing floods, droughts and many other disasters. These disasters have negatively affected food security, healthcare systems, employment, human rights, among others. These negative effects birthed with my hunger to learn climate change. Hence, I took up a course in Climate Change in Practice offered by the APCEIU in partnership with UNESCO. I was also awarded three certificates by YALI in Understanding Climate Change, Understanding Renewable Energy and Community Organizing for Action. I am also a holder of a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of Oran - Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-MB) in Oran, Algeria.

My desire to fight this cause led to me joining the Citizen's Climate Lobby and Stand for Trees as a volunteer and a donor respectively. This has helped me gain more insight into climate change.

Hopefully, this will help me share with everyone through blogging by bringing ideas, opinions and having heralding discussions on climate change. I hope you will follow me through this journey of education and enlightenment because we are facing a crisis, and the most alarming part of that is not the word crisis but the WE because it removes the load to be endured and places it squarely on each of us.

Stay Home
Au revoir!


  1. Climate change is a very serious rising issue that will bring more and more complications, awareness among most LDCs is needed to help put in measures that will help caution most developing countries. Beacuse we are the ones to suffer most of the damage here in the global south . Action is needed now . Together we can win!

    1. That is very true, that's why we have to act now and together. Together we can win!

  2. You Doing great
    Jah bless u as u move with Albert's Quote ..Be the man u intend to be ..✌️

  3. What's a link between covid 19 and climate change.i am a bit lost,some one to make me understand

    1. Stay tuned, it will be in one of the posts soon to be published. In the meantime, you can read more on Al-Jazeera at https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/indepth/opinion/coronavirus-outbreak-part-climate-change-emergency-200325135058077.html

  4. Okay this is really interesting...
    Keep up with the good work.

    1. I am glad you find it interesting, subscribe/ follow to stay up-to date.

  5. Well said, its impressive to see youth passionate about the environment of the earth, we have one earth and one life time to make it right lets act responsible and leave a healthy environment for our upcoming generations

    1. There is no planet B! We are the last generation that can do something about climate change. Together we can win!

  6. This is very enlightening, we need to take action today, together, especially the youths

    1. True, high time we took charge of our future.


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